find your pets pricing category

Abbreviations we use:
SH= Short Hair / LH= Long Hair / Xsm = Extra small / Sm = Small
Med= Medium/ Lg = Large/ XLg = Extra Large
SH breeds are generally considered to be breeds
with single coats generally less than 2
" in length
*Double coated breeds are Not considered SH breeds
**Specialty cuts are priced per pet & groom style requested

Extra small category
generally means pets under 5 lbs

SH xsm - Some tiny SH chihuahuas
Bath Service $20 - Groom Service $35

LH= LH Chihuahuas, Teacup Poodles
Bath Service $25 - Groom Service $40

Small category
generally includes pets 6 to 15 lbs

SH Sm - Rat Terriers, SH Dachshund, SH Chihuahua, and other (Like SH Mix breeds combinations)
Bath Service $20 - Groom Service $40

LH sm - Yorkies, Maltese, ShihTzu, LH Dachshund, Poms, Shorkies, YorkiePoos, Poodles, and other (Like LH Mix breeds combinations)
Bath Service $25 - Groom Service $45

Medium category
general includes pets 16 to 35lbs

SH Med - Beagles, Some Amstaffs(Pits), Beagles, Boxers, Labs, some hound breeds
Bath Service $30 - Groom Service $50

LH Med - Border Collies, Shelties, Spitz, Cockers, Cockapoo,
Bath Service $35 - Groom Service $55


Large category
generall includes pets 36 to 70 lbs

SH LG - Lg Amstaffs (Pits), Basset Hound, some larger hound breeds and mix breeds
Bath Service $35 - Groom Service $55

LH LG -Goldens, Huskies, Collies Standard Poodles, Doodles
(Golden or LabraDoodles can fall into either SH or LH depending on coats)
Bath Service $45 - Groom Service $65


Extra Large category
generally includes pets over 70 lbs

Bath Service $45 - Groom Service $65

LH XL - Great Pyraneese, Bernese Mountain Dog, Newfoundland, St. Bernards
Bath Service $55 - Groom Service $85