
This site is designed to be a listing of
Owners, Breeders, and Exhibitors of Showdogs. This site is hosted on a paid
server and is listed through paid search engine services.

There is a $15.00 annual listing fee. This fee
goes to mantain this site and all listed on it. If your site does not qualify to be listed
on this site your submission fee will be returned.

It is the responsibility of each sites owner, or
their webmaster, to keep us informed of any changes in urls or information regarding your
listing. If we find your site no longer has a valid url, during a periodic check, it will
be removed from our listing.

Qualifications to get a listing on this site:
1: You must be a Breeder or Owners &
Exhibitors of a recognized AKC Breed
(Retired Showbreeders websites, who offer referrals and breed information are welcome)
2: You must have a completed site with photo's
and information about you, your breeding habits or your showdogs.
No under constuction sites please.

Note: If you are a breeder of AKC dogs but are
not an exhibitor or have dogs being shown You may request a free listing with Breeders Around the World Referral
